Scattered into the wind

Of him, who died in Hell, for Hell’s sake, 
let it be never again.
The bullet that took him came
faster than the speed of the wind,
on the edge of sunset, his name on it!
everlasting evil, torment beyond torment.

And now we endure a world that has betrayed them all.
What would they have made of, “All you need is love”
in 1914?
they would have been be too fearful of ‘rocking the boat’

Could I imagine? Dare I imagine?
a frontal assault of naïve young men coming at me singing:

“All we are saying is give peace a chance”
That Fear that will never leave them,
‘bomb happy’ and dammed,
the ‘march on Washington’
a million miles away.

Strange Hells indeed
that lead them home
in flesh or spirit singing,
“Land of hope and glory”
Gone worlds,
the dice will claim all!

Can you hear them tumbling?

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