
Nessie, of the deep lochs and unknown seaways.

It is said that sightings of this mythical creature go way back to the 6th century AD. Tradition has it that Nessie only appears to troubled people. I commend this song to all those who believe that there are more things in Heaven and on Earth than we can ever hope to imagine. I sincerely believe that Nessie exists, if I ever saw Nessie I would say nothing; mankind has a way of messing things up.

O Nessie, you are a wonder to see gracefully mighty soar
In the depths of the loch wade fathom unseen come home through the ice age four
Created by God to plunder the deep
In the cold ancient waters to take of your sleep

Yon bonnie banks the moon's slumberland cause you to show your face
To those troubled by this world’s chaos that know no resting place
Magical rare beast proudly rise
Thy countenance lays within the moon's eyes

On the dark ocean bed your kingdom to keep your mysteries of mud
Oh praise to you where centuries weep you're in the celtic blood
Godspeed your way to waters unknown
Be pleased to return to Loch Ness your home

Let the mystery continue, I am happy to leave it that way.

Chris Pitts