Meet Chris Pitts
My concerns are for those disempowered in the work place, especially those who work in the ‘Care sector’. I refer to Care Assistants who are unable to report abuse and neglect in ‘Care Homes’ (For fear of losing their job) and the residents of residential/nursing homes who suffer neglect. Please see ‘The British underclass‘ article on my blog.

I’m from Nayland in Suffolk.
New Compilation
This new album “Ordinary” features a collection of tracks to introduce the (far from ordinary) music of Chris Pitts.
My Poems
I’m into what I call; “Minimalist” Poetry. It is an attempt to explain/present poetry in the shortest few words. Most of my stuff involving the written word will fall into this category.
Most of the poems and posts on this site are my own work, but occasionally I post something I’ve read which I think you will like with the author’s name below it. So if there is no attribution – it’s mine.
There are those who object to poetry if it is too serious and therefore depressing.
I would like to state that if you write something and then go over it and touch it up afterwards, so as not to offend, it becomes obviously second rate at that point.
It is also the worst form of deceit and dishonesty. I do not believe, I cannot believe, that people like myself who suffer from manic depression, can be helped by dishonesty or making things sound palatable.
Chris Pitts
New Book
My book “Broken Body” is just out on Amazon.
A story of failure, the Church – “The Body of Christ” and its failure to engage positively with the disempowered.
“Chris tells his life story and explains how, unlike many of his friends, he is a butterfly that escaped the wheel.”
My Music
For a long time now I have also been writing and performing songs.
Here’s a few of samples for you.
Chris regrets that he is no longer able to perform live, his guitar abilities are seriously hampered by osteo arthritis in his hands, thankfully with the help of other musicians he is still making CDs of original material
Physical Jerk
The Band Crippled giant is legendary, its fame countrywide; sadly the band is no more, it disbanded after the death of Violin player Chris Gibson.
Here is a track that hopefully will reminisce the glory of a truly great band!
- Chris Gibson: Violin
- Bruce Root Drums
- Neville Dean Bass
- Chris Pitts Guitar (All songs written by Chris Pitts)
Silent Friends
I am in the company of silent friends, people who did what they had to do, and then moved on. I knew those people; they are worth so much more than silence. This is track one of Chris’ latest album. He is using the money from sales to help people from Ukraine
Looking for the carpenter
This is the first track from one of Chris’ recent albums. You will find the whole album here…
Brian Jones
Chris owes a lot to Brian Jones, here is his song of thanks.
The Fire Bycicle
“The Fire Bicycle” (Live version) From: “Nayland a cuckoo crying” This album tells the story of Chris’s home village its hopes and dreams and life long gone Chris says this is the most original album he has done.
Joker in the Pack
Joker in the pack is from Chris’ album “Branch Line” The Lyrics of this track are in the post “Joker in the Pack“
Harvest Home
Harvest home is a great example of Chris’ symphonic folk style.
Hi Chris, I have just found your site. I am going to listen to all of your songs. I feel rather sad about the past and how I stopped playing music with you but I am glad to see you are still on the go with it. I am looking forward to listening to your recordings. I am still playing and love the guitar. Sorry I let you down all those years ago. Take care, love Bill
I am replying to myself as I think, ‘let you down’ is not quite the right phrase. It was more not being scared! Glad we are still very much friends. Love, Bill XX
Hi Chris, just came across your music through a convoluted search on the internet (started with a 2015 blog about the dark side of healing). Have been listening to your Looking for the Carpenter album and really enjoy your music and some of the blogs I’ve read, and really appreciate your honesty. I found myself wondering whether you’d come across The Shack (book or DVD) by Paul Young…as his story may resonate with yours as it does with so many of us. Thanks so much for sharing so generously online.
Got it Janet Thank you for responding The Book will be a good read I’m sure
Peace & Love
Hi, Chris,
Having met you and knowing something of your life, I love the music you have created. Talk about overcoming obstacles with great music that lies firmly in the folk tradition of lived experience and social commentary. To everyone else, just listen.
Miles Dagnall
Chris is up there with the best. I like his music just as I do, Syd Barrett and Nick Drake. He should be much more widely heard.