For a moment
we had a touch of Eden.
The mystery skies
brought a rainbow to a dark place.
And it was there
in nature’s harvest,
in full moon days of glory,
that the rainbow maker and his friend
took us to an English heaven.
Cruel tyrant time
can’t take away
the Memory Mountains
that we know we have.
In the silence
no ticking clocks
disturbed us
with the aching bones of age.
The curtains were never drawn,
we were gloriously naïve.
We lived
in the eternal tapestry of those moments
knowing youth’s young wisdom,
when truth was being free!
The air was alive with hope,
what we had remains,
what we HAVE remains,
like that old song,
“They can’t take that away from me”
(by Chris Pitts)
I really like this one Chris it connects.