Chris Pitts

Rolla’s café

THE DAY BUBBBLING WITH HAPPINESSYOU THE CLOWN OF ALL GLORYYOU SHOUTING OUT ‘WAITER! WHERE IS MY JAMAICA LONGBOAT?’ROLLA laughing behind the counter hystericallythe music of those days filled with charismatic adrenalinwe would sit in yellow chairs the paint flaking off them, one in particular very noticeable…….the hum of old London town easing its way up

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Hungry for beauty

When a solider makes it home A soldier makes it home in a paralysis of memory and unforgotten fear, he has walked from a country station and looks on an English landscape, with eyes full of strange brokenopportunity, hungry for beauty, his whole being disintegrated by mad trembling.Red lips kissed by English dead, mind screaming

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My existence is bequeathed to me by a blood red sunthe gaiety of youth and the Passiontide of friendship ‘s that have never cost me a penny…….. I am sick of Cosmopolitan indulgent choirs ……………Our Brave young in wounded hells listening to stagnate sympathies, living in pain unending. Ugly thoughts where the righteous are forsaken,