Someone once said that, ‘History is written by the victors’ There are many who like myself, can see that failure or Defeat can sometimes have a positive effect on creativity. Had Brian Jones lived and got well, I have no doubt that out of his dark times and seeming failures, a great explosion of creativity would have emerged.
He chose the Blues to be his constant companion, an honest music of tragedy and pain. Brian wanted to be faithful and true to his roots however, the band that he founded ‘The Rolling Stones’ moved its musical ethos into a commercial vein that left him an outsider.
He was without doubt one of the best all round musicians ever to come out of the 1960’s. His harmonica playing outstanding. He was truly photogenic, a visual Icon of the 1960’s.
I personally saw Brian perform with the Rolling Stones twice in 1965 and 1966, I came away on a great high, his presence stole the show completely.
Magnificent moving song, Chris! It almost brought tears to the eyes.