Window people

When I was young I looked out of my aunties window

I looked out on what appeared to be a militarized society

Strange shapes in a picture post card world

It was as if someone had painted a picture just for me!

It was ‘My’ window and I possessed it totally.

I had no thought of feeling for what I saw

Outside the window a soldier walked by, I had a soldier, he was called

‘Tommy tinfoil’ but my Tommy Tinfoil wasn’t blown to pieces at


I saw the rag people outside my window, I had Rag puppets’, but my Rag

Puppets didn’t know the pain of hunger

As I grew up my view of the world was one of a window person

That is until I was on the other side of the window

The other side of the window was cold, if you didn’t have a coat you

Froze, if you didn’t have food you starved.

What took me from the inside of the window to the outside people?

Growing up has a lot to answer for; the window people have now been

Normalized By greed, comfortable people, behind double-glazed windows

With central heating,

All believing they have to be someone, state educations poison eliminates

feeling and so tomorrow will have millions of window people

What is it in human kind that we think we have the right to be a

Mere looker in on life?

I sat behind that window fifty years ago but today people still judge

their Neighbour from the inside of the window.

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