Chris Pitts

Will anything change?

We have just witnessed a general election where people believe they have partaken in the ‘democratic process’.  We have witnessed newspapers indulging themselves in virtual blood sports. What if anything will change for the helpless in our present society? It is the purpose of this blog to point out that despite the ‘democratic process’ two […]

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Locked Doors

From a train window i watched as the darkening sky froze gloom on the terrace houses, a malaise of the english classes. Semi detached, lone mansions all with their locked doors. The door, the space between ‘you’ and ‘me’ and maybe a murderer or two. Ends justify means, we human kind fear each other, if

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1967 Heaven

For a moment we had a touch of Eden. The mystery skies brought a rainbow to a dark place. And it was there in nature’s harvest, in full moon days of glory, that the rainbow maker and his friend took us to an English heaven. Cruel tyrant time can’t take away the Memory Mountains that

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Human Beings

The Ice rink statues move in the freezing fog, a day to remember, a wonderful time. Old man walks his dog along the ancient towpath knowing that time has run out. His life awaits the doom of memories burned out in a hostile world. Idiots write poetry and spew out inverted self -centered rhyme, trying

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