
Lost Autumn

High winds, you on your bicycle looking at moody Suffolk skies, years ahead of you in the wandering youth tea cup leaves of fortune. Your Songs and poems like leaves dancing to mystical tunes, life’s tragedies hidden in the wild hopefulness of our yellow barn masquerade, so much ecstasy before us, cloud riding, sunset lovers,

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Fantastic blue

The lights of Old Compton Street dazzle the girl as she window dances. spellbound men pop-eyed ogle!Jessica the relief dancer has got stuck at the Spar supermarket check-out,Alison just has to keep dancing until she is relieved by Jessica, she is bored out of her mindand stressed, she needs to get back to the kids

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Nail pierced hands

Laughing Time

Time, that makes these earth born dreams seem like eternities rainbow. Over the horizon, dancing platitudes and exhausted hope, words exhaled from meaningless heartbeats. “Go this way” shouts the boss-eyed Counsellor Freudian junkie with a speech impediment. “If only this fear would you leave me!” He has 100,000 thoughts in the chaos of kaleidoscope chance.

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