For the love of God and people like me
“Christ is the head of the home, the unseen guest of every meal, the silent listener to every conversation.”
The above lines used to hang on the wall in the old vicarage living room, in days of simplicity. I haven’t seen that quote anywhere recently, and I think to myself,
‘hardly any wonder?’
I thank God that St Paul wrote the lines; “God has chosen the base things of this world, the things that this world counts as nothing, to show forth his glory”
If there is any truth in the claim that Christ walks among us unseen, then we need a wake up call that gives the established church hernia of the eardrum.
I often hear a mischievous voice in my head when I watch, “Songs of praise” on TV when the minister calls out, ‘Let us pray” I hear, ‘Let us play!’
Chris Pitts likes to say things that show off his, ‘EGO’ ‘insensitivity’, and ‘Calls down Judgment on himself’, why? Because he is so pig sick of stilted middle class platitudes especially, when it comes to congregations that are so certain that, “We have got it right!” The base lower working class in this country need action now and more important, to be really understood by ministers who know the hopelessness and squalor of their lives.
They don’t want:
- ‘Christian?’ TV, Radio,
- Music industry,
- ‘Christian?’ stardom, capitalist interest,
- ‘Christian?’ business consortiums, where, ‘Christians?’ hire and fire each other,
- breaking hearts,
I say (And will continue to say) bollocks to the lot of it.
Time to turn over tables and get real.
If Christ is the ‘Unseen guest’ then as with the church of Laodicea, he needs a bucket to be sick in.